Breeding for Endurance    -    Unique High Performance Horses

Dazhat LB

(Ruzhat LB x Dasib LB)

BRSB 10498

10/27/1987   † 01/13/2017

Garanhão / Stallion

Alazão / Chestnut

Altura / Height: 1.53 m

Dazhat in 2005.

Dazhat in 1994.

   Stallion of exceptional athletic ability, and incomparable good nature, Dahzat LB competed with prominence in jumping and eventing competitions.

   Of Polish lineage, he has Witraz and Fadjur in his ascendency as well as other important stallions in the international scene.

   Dazhat LB transmitted to his descendants what he had the best: structure, conformation, vigor, endurance, athletic aptitude, and good nature.



Descendentes (seleção) / Progeny (selected)

- Shyraz (x Fivelona) - EXPORTED

Campeão Brasileiro de Longa Distância em 2004

2004 Brazilian 3* Champion

- Saiph SBV (x Al Obeyah) - EXPORTED

8o. lugar e medalhista de prata (equipe) no Campeonato Mundial  de 2021

8th place FEI WC and Team Silver Medal in the FEI W CH 2021

Herakles SBV (xAl Obeyah) - EXPORTED

2o. colocado entre os Overseas em Dubai - CEI 3*** -160 km

2nd place - Overseas - in Dubai, UAE - CEI 3* 160 km

Fidelio SBV (x Sweet Khaima)

Nefertiti SBV (x Al Obeyah SBV)

Phoebe SBV (x Sweet Hasany)

Aden SBV (x Palma)

Ajax SBV (x Sweet Hasamy)

La Gioconda SBV (x Al Obeyah SBV)

Frida SBV (x Al Obeyah SBV)

Orion SBV (x Al Obeyah)

     Garanhão de excepcional aptidão atlética e índole. Dazhat LB competiu com destaque em provas de salto e de Concurso de Cavalo Completo.

     É de linhagem poloneza e descende de Witraz e Fadjur, bem como de outros importantes garanhões do exterior.

     Dazhat LB transmitiu aos seus descendentes o que tinha de melhor: estrutura, conformação, vigor, resistência, aptidão atlética e boa índole.

Genealogia / Genealogy